Frankfort Independent Schools & Healthy Kids Clinic Hold Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to Announce Partnership
Governor Andy Beshear was the keynote speaker today for the ribbon cutting and announcement of the opening of two new Healthy Kids Clinics in the Frankfort Independent School System. “Partnerships like this one with Cumberland Family Medical Center’s Healthy Kids Clinic and the Frankfort Independent Schools make it easier for parents and guardians by ensuring their kids get the care and treatment they need,” said Gov. Andy Beshear. “Having this clinic here, and in other Kentucky schools, will help produce a generation of students who will make better health choices when they become adults, and that will help Kentucky become stronger, healthier and more resilient.”
Healthy Kids Clinics are school-based health centers located on-campus that provide a full range of health care needs for students and staff alike regardless of economic or insurance status.
“The motivation behind Healthy Kids Clinics is simply to provide a means by which absenteeism is decreased, academic achievement is increased, and a whole generation of healthier, better educated Kentuckians is created,” stated Dr. Eric Loy, CEO and Medical Director of Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc. “Our mission is to provide accessible, affordable, and high-quality health care where it is needed the most. In this case, it happens to be in a school-setting.”
Also, on hand to celebrate the ribbon cutting, was Angela McDonald, BSN RN, State School Nurse Consultant with the KY Department of Education and Ben Chandler, President and CEO, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.
Managed by Cumberland Family Medical Centers, Inc., a Federally Qualified Health Center network, Healthy Kids Clinics are in 18 school districts and on 113 school campuses across the state where they provide on-site primary care and preventive care to students and staff.